Before you begin...
The Chapter Master Data Registration Site is designed to collect information in the following areas from each chapter:
- Necrology Report
- Recognition of 25 & 40-Year Members (for all members who reach this status between May 1, 2021 - March 1, 2023)
- Chapter Delegate & Alternate for the 47th Eastern Area Conference
- Chapter Anniversaries - Increments of 5 years (i.e., 5/10/15/20/25, etc.). For all chapters who celebrated a milestone anniversary between May 1, 2021- April 30, 2023
- Chapter Program Exhibit Form
- Chapter Resolutions Form
Before you begin the registration process, we recommend you review the information below which lists the required data points for each subject area. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you begin, you must visit each page of the registration site until you reach the registration confirmation page. Recommended Best Practice: Collect information for all areas prior to starting the registration so that you may finish in one setting.
- Necrology Report - Name of the Decedent, Category (Link, Alumna, Connecting Link, or Heir-O-Link) Date of Transition, Photograph of the Decedent.
- Recognition of 25 and 40-year Members - Name, Milestone Year, Chapter of Initiation, Year of Initiation, Photograph of Link Member.
- Chapter Delegate and Alternate - Name, Current office held (if applicable), Email address, Phone number.
- Chapter Anniversaries - Charter Year, Anniversary Date, Photograph of Chapter.
- Chapter Resolutions Submission - Resolution Subject Matter, Upload Resolution as it is to be read, state rationale/explanation.
- Chapter Program Exhibit Form - Review criteria listed on page 56 of the Call to Conference.
Once you've completed the chapter registration, you will have the option to modify or update your record as needed.
The deadline to submit all information is Friday, March 10, 2023, at 11:59 PM EST.
Ready to begin? Let's Go!